Due to their mechanism and way of operating, wallets are the closest thing to electronic banking of any bank.
These wallets are the interface between the user and the record in the Blockchain, in fact, the wallets do not store your cryptocurrencies, they are only the means to organize and review the balance in quantity and in dollars.
The most common wallets are Software wallets otherwise called Hot Wallets and through them, you can store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies without intermediaries.
There is another type of wallet built based on Hardware, they are referred to as Cold Wallets, in this article we will only focus on Software wallets.
After this short introduction, let's look at the different wallets. There are two types according to their use, web3 or browser extension and mobile for use on smartphones.
Let's take a closer look at Metamask, as it is one of the most used by users. The data to add the Rootstock network and Money On Chain tokens are the same for any wallet that requires it.
The most well-known and used wallet by crypto users, there is no doubt about its great presence and that users have adopted it well despite some details that have generated some controversy.
By default the token is not configured, so we must add it manually, although particularly in this wallet the Rootstock network is not added either.
As a first step we will select the drop-down list, marked by the arrow.
Then choose Add network.
Select Add network manually.
In Configuration, it will ask for a series of values that are listed below.
Rootstock, although the name is up to each user, the ideal is to call it Rootstock.
With this data you have already configured the Rootstock network and now the next step is to add the token. These next steps are similar to the ones we performed when adding the token to the Liquality wallet.
Here is a video explaining How to add the Rootstock (RSK) network to Metamask 2023.
Although we have added Rootstock as a network, the only token that loads automatically is RBTC because it is the native one.
We return to the list of networks and you will be able to see Rootstock's, you just have to select it.
Select Import tokens.
Here it already asks for exactly the same data that also appears below. When finished, select Add Custom Token and it will be added to the Rootstock token list.
MOC: 0x9aC7Fe28967b30e3a4E6E03286D715B42B453d10
DOC: 0xE700691Da7B9851F2F35f8b8182C69C53ccad9DB
BPRO: 0x440cd83C160de5C96DDb20246815EA44C7Abbca8
This value is indistinct so you can associate it with the name that seems best to you, I would simply name it MOC.
MOC, DOC, or BPRO depending on the one you are importing.
Here you can watch a video of Minting #BPRO from Metamask 2023.
Exodus is a desktop wallet for various operating systems, web3 as a browser extension, and mobile for both Android and iOS. It has a simple design and user experience.
Rabby is a wallet that you can use as an extension for Chrome, desktop, or mobile.
It has some improvements regarding the user experience compared to MetaMask and it is open source.
Rabby has integrated the Rootstock network and to use it with the dapp you must select Metamask in the login options.
Safepal is another multi-device wallet. You can use Safepal from your browser through the extension, with the mobile app, or with its hardware wallet.
Not only is it a wallet, but it has the possibility to exchange tokens between several networks.
Wigwam is an open source wallet that has the Rootstock network integrated and through which tokens can also be swapped between several networks.
UniFi is a different wallet. It is self-custodial but has the simplicity of logging in through a system called Auth0 which is the one you usually use to log in to other sites using your email account, facebook, reddit or Discord.
You can use it on PC with a web browser or with your smartphone as it fits the format and allows you to install it. It works only for Rootstock.
As for mobile wallets, in addition to the aforementioned UniFi, SafePal, Rabby, MetaMask, and Exodus, we find the following:
Beexo is a simple, multi-chain mobile wallet.
Wallby is a simple mobile wallet that allows the option to make swaps between tokens.
Finally, here is a video made by one of the Money On Chain badgers commenting on the different options when trading with the protocol after the cessation of activities of Defiant.