Published on 
25 September, 2023

Hot Wallets for MOC

Due to their mechanism and way of operating, wallets are the closest thing to electronic banking of any bank.

These wallets are the interface between the user and the record in the Blockchain, in fact, the wallets do not store your cryptocurrencies, they are only the means to organize and review the balance in quantity and in dollars.

The most common wallets are Software wallets otherwise called Hot Wallets and through them, you can store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies without intermediaries.

There is another type of wallet built based on Hardware, they are referred to as Cold Wallets, in this article we will only focus on Software wallets.

This works as an introduction to the definition of Wallets if you are new here. Now let's talk a little about the token in question.

MOC, Money On Chain's governance token that even goes beyond this single feature, is a voting, veto, staking, and fee discount token when you operate within the protocol.

Now let's go directly to knowing the wallets that you can use to operate with MOC.


The wallet created with the Rootstock chain in mind which already has the token natively integrated.

This mobile wallet has a great user interface and is also self-custodial so that your assets will always be under your protection.

This wallet is compatible with Android and IOS.

Another interesting feature is that it integrates more blockchains so as not to be enrolled only with Rootstock, among these you can find:

  • Arbitrum
  • BNB Chain o BSC como anteriormente se llamaba.
  • Ethereum.
  • Celo.
  • Fantom.
  • Bitcoin.
  • Moonbeam.
  • Moonriver
  • Polygon.

The proposal of having 2 blockchains that we usually do not see in multichain wallets, such as Moonriver and Moonbeam, is interesting.

In terms of security, Defiant does not store or back up the keys and seed phrase, therefore it is impossible to recover the assets if you lose any of these security elements.

Within Defiant you will be able to make swaps of all the tokens in the Rootstock chain among themselves, and it is likely that of some other blockchains, as long as this operation is integrated with those networks, it is just a matter of testing.

The purchase of cryptocurrencies is also possible, taking into account that it is done through an external company which represents taking you to a site outside of Defiant with a trusted third party.

Returning to the main token of this article, MOC, we already saw that one of its characteristics is staking, over time obtaining more tokens, without having to leave Defiant you can do it in the same wallet.


This wallet is web-based and runs through an extension that can be installed in the browser.

Liquality, unlike its similar Metamask, cared about a pleasant user interface and it is not as flat as the one already mentioned. This has nothing to do with its operation and user experience, it just presents itself with a friendlier interface.

The registration process is practically like all the others, they give you the 12 words that make up your seed phrase, which by the way you must save very well, and later they will ask you to assign a password to start operating.

Unlike Defiant, the process of adding MOCs takes a few extra steps.

After connecting, you have to select the Manage Assets option.

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Then you have to select Add Custom Token.


Now you would have to enter token values that are stated below, so you can copy and paste.

hATV50Ryrm0f6F6jM9U2GcumiNjYziVhMPOka4Dz1SXcx MehSvv2We2P0WQxgrKV8EC9G1gq7cknxomOqWEeBTjGyDP




This value is indistinct so you can associate it with the name that seems best to you, I would simply name it MOC.





Finally, you select Add Token. You can find it on the Rootstock network by expanding the list of tokens.

From here you can Receive, Send and Swap with other tokens in the Rootstock network.

As a feature that may be interesting if you are a fan of NFTs, is the fact that you can save them in this wallet as long as you have purchased them from OpenSea or Stratos.

And that's it with this wallet.


The most well-known and used wallet by crypto users, there is no doubt about its great presence and that users have adopted it well despite some details that have generated some controversy.

Like Liquality, by default it does not have the token configured, therefore we must add it manually, although particularly in this wallet the Rootstock network is not added either, so let's start with the first.

Add Rootstock Network

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As a first step we will select the drop-down list, marked by the arrow.

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Then choose Add network.

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Select Add network manually.

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In Configuration, it will ask for a series of values that are listed below.


Rootstock, although the name is up to each user, the ideal is to call it Rootstock.









With this data you have already configured the Rootstock network and now the next step is to add the token. These next steps are similar to the ones we performed when adding the token to the Liquality wallet.

Add MOC token

Although we have added Rootstock as a network, the only token that loads automatically is RBTC because it is the native one.

We return to the list of networks and you will be able to see Rootstock's, you just have to select it.

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Select Import tokens.

X2rkwFmNvKNVrY01hQu07dofLRoxZvkhRTMq4Rkyt0KdzdgT mf2mo65Dr5dDYkU JkfI C7LbEcJU9si9OcAqpEYecqVrYWkLqSNifTh7HPOdAslig3zlzg71bo2jjadgUh7lUgM8aPs4AUE5zi3G0

Here it already asks for exactly the same data that also appears below. When finished, select Add Custom Token and it will be added to the Rootstock token list.




This value is indistinct so you can associate it with the name that seems best to you, I would simply name it MOC.





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We have reached the end of this article where we review the wallets that you can use to operate with the Money On Chain MOC token. Also, in summary, we told you some characteristics and in the cases of Liquality and Metamask, we gave you the step by step to add the token, which unlike Defiant, is not listed by default.

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