Published on 
8 April, 2024

Meet the new Money On Chain ebook

After more than 4 years of implementing the protocol in mainnet, of experiences, learning, and creation of contents such as the website, the wiki, and the blog, the Money On Chain ebook is published.

Each of these contents fulfills a specific communication objective that serves users at various times.

The website presents the gateway to the Money On Chain world where you can get information about the full range of possibilities the protocol offers and access to the community and learning resources.

In this sense, the wiki plays the role of a step-by-step guide or tutorial, where you can find information on how to access the protocol, configure software and hardware wallets, and obtain tokens.

The blog contains informative and educational articles on the protocol and topics related to Bitcoin and the DeFi ecosystem on Rootstock.

The Money On Chain ebook reflects these topics. It consolidates the information developed over the years into a living document, as it is not written in stone but in PDF and Kindle format.

You can download the Money On Chain ebook by following this link:

As a preview, below you can see the table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • What is Money On Chain
  • What problem does Money On Chain solve
  • How Money On Chain works
  • Why use the protocol if Bitcoin already exists?
  • Getting to know the protocol tokens
  • How and where to get protocol tokens
  • Protocol metrics
  • Which wallets to use to interact with the protocol
  • Frequently asked questions about the protocol

Download the ebook and then leave your comments below, share it on social media, and/or join the conversation in our communities on Telegram and Discord.

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